Sunday, January 31, 2010

Shop Almost Finished!

Andy and I worked this weekend to finish our responsibilities on the shop.  We finished the front siding and trim on Saturday then painted the unfinished sides this afternoon.  It looks great!  The electrician needs to finish the wiring inside and the garage door will be installed this week, then we'll be done.  It will likely be 1 1/2 weeks before the final inspection is done and we can use it! 

The house is also almost complete.  The contractor is finished with the block skirting and this week they will backfill soil around the base of the house so it only sits about 18" above the ground level.  Inside the home, the sheetrock has been completed and touch-up painting is done.  The finish work looks great!  This week they'll be coming back to install the carpets, light fixtures and make sure all the doors are close/open correctly and ensure everything is in working order.  The builder expects to be done this week with the final walk-through on this Friday!  The bank appraiser is scheduled to come the week of Feb. 8th for re-inspection to ensure everything is done then our loan will fund and it's officially ours.  We're still praying for no major holdups so we can have everything completely done by Feb 13th so we can start moving!  We've been amazed how smoothly things have come together.  God is good!

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