Friday, June 22, 2012

Home Again!

I'm home again, after a crazy week at Wyldlife camp (Young Life for middle-schoolers). We drove over 1000 miles to get our 3 kids to Grandma's house & back so we could go to camp. It was a crazy, exhausting week but lives were changed. 

I only had a few really messy moments this year...the mud pit with our team, shaving cream pie in the face and pizza toppings on my face. Early mornings, a huge water park, crazy games and late nights = one tired Mama!

New Believers
I'm starting another part-time job, so now I have 3! I'm no longer a stay-at-home mom but am working more like full-time the last 2 months.  It's been great having the kids & hubby home for the summer and we're also hoping to get some camping & fishing in soon. Enjoy your summer!

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