Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter Pictures

Life has been busy as usual in the Lusco Home.  We were glad to have my parents and brother here for Easter.  The kids went to the community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday and brought home buckets full of eggs!  I still have a few in my long do they keep?
My sister-mom, kids, and I
Brother Trent, kids & I
I've been very busy with work.  Our full-time nurse is on vacation for 3 weeks (1 more to go!) and I've been on call the past 2 weeks.  Thankfully, I've been able to handle all the on-call stuff over the phone.  The next paycheck will be nice but it sure makes me tired.  When I'm not working, cooking, or cleaning, I've been sewing.  I entered a sewing competition without realizing it was going to be a competition with weekly themes & deadlines.  If you also read Mama Lusco, you've seen what I've been up to.

Andy is having a great year teaching.  He is also working on 2 Masters level courses to earn more credits and move up on the pay scale next year.  He's at Masters degree & 30 credits now, so he is well-educated!  He's also been beating Drew & I at Risk on a regular basis.

The kids are doing well.  Abby is improving in her math skills and Drew has been doing a science experiment on the effects of acid rain.  Their school open house is Thursday night, so we're going to see Abby's volcano erupt and Drew's science experiment display.  Mally's having fun playing at the sitter's house with her new BFF, Garrett, and spending some days at the child care center as well.  She really likes the variety and each morning asks "Where am I going today?"  She moans when I say we are staying home :)

This will be our last weekend at home for the next month.  We hope it will be dry enough to spray & till the garden and put in our lawn.  We have plans to go to the cabin in Troy and Buck Springs camping later in the month.  June will be busy with community events, football camp, and Wyldlife camp.  Looking forward to getting some warmer weather, hopefully soon!

Here are a few pictures of our property since clearing the sage & junipers.

4/29/11 snow

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