Sunday, March 8, 2009

Another Girls Weekend

The much-anticipated Gun Show was here this weekend, so my husband was not :) Andy and Drew spent from 9-5 Saturday at the gun show. This has been Andy's latest hobby - researching guns and making plans to have guns to pass down to each of our kids. He came home with 3 rifles and a pistol, so he is officially DONE shopping for now. This morning he woke up and really wanted to go back for more ammo, but thankfully he did not! So, the girls and I stayed home and cleaned the house, prepped 3 meals and I did a little sewing for me! I made a blue peasant top that turned out pretty cute. I made Andy take a pic today, but decided it's not flattering enough to post to the world :) Today we woke up EARLY to go to 1st service, then I worked in the nursery 2nd service. I got to hold a 5 month old boy...they sure grow up fast! I think I'm beginning to get past my baby envy, though. Andy really wants another one, but I'm pretty sure I'm done. There's still that little doubt in the back of my mind that hasn't quite disappeared, though. I'll be glad when it does.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come on, have another!!! You are a great mom and there could never be enough Luscos!!! We are on Andy's side, but I guess we are biased because there is no chance of us having another. We love you!!! Jen and Ernie