Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Huntress

Well, we're back to our normal routine after Mally's surgery.  Thankfully, she did great and was back at preschool 3 days after surgery.  She's pretty proud of her 5 silver teeth.

I drew a buck tag in the unit where we live and was able to get one opening morning!  Our neighbor up the road has 2-3 bucks that come in to her apple tree every night and she was happy to let me shoot one. 

I was hoping for a bigger buck but decided that this one would taste just fine.  We were home by 8am, so this was the easiest hunting I've ever done.  Our second kill of the morning was this little rattle snake in the road.  The deer is now in the freezer as stew meat, jerky, dog treats and burger.  We also both have cow elk tags, so we may need a second freezer soon!

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